Building an E-bike!

Hi internet strangers, I recently converted my old Jamis Kromo Dirt Jumper bicycle into a mid-drive electric bicycle using a mid-drive motor from Bafang. In this case, I wanted to run my bike as I had previously modified it, angry single speed, which meant I needed a...

Tolerance of nuts and washers

My diy CNC machine is old and flexible now, I built it while in college and have learned a bunch since then. It’s time for an upgrade! Here I’ve cut some new cams out of 1″ aluminum for the new 3/4″ thick aluminum plates I ordered (the old...

Yet another Python 3.5 walk through: Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of a hilariously bad tutorial on Python 3.5! I don’t know why you are here, but let’s try this anyhow. If you missed the first one, check out Part 1 now, and follow along via this tutorial, library and language for reference. Get your...
Yet another Python 3.5 walk through

Yet another Python 3.5 walk through

Hi internet strangers, I’m going to be brushing up on my Python and documenting it for myself here. I’ll finally be moving to Python 3.5 from 2.7 as I believe there is enough support now. Here I’ll document random code-bits and snippets working from...